In The Owl's Eyes

before Our Flower in March

The Book Of The Game Of You | The Book Unopened | The Book Of Dreams

21 Mar, Tues.
Please note :
Most machines usually have these, but if yours doesn't, you'll prolly need Arial, Bank Gothic MedBT and Garamond true type fonts to fully appreciate the Books. 
I wanted to work on a personalized download page where you can get them. But I actually found this to be a better deal. Check it out (:

28 Monday.
elle's bday ! shot pix with kifah, berg, moe, & markus | overhauled the main page, esp. font size ( isn't it a lot easier to read with 10 point ? ) 
Recovered the Older Writings, and proceeding into production work on the voce pages > supper, passage, confess, glisten, play
the fifth moon Welcome and the "dueling" poems: Fade Into You and the Secret.

29 Tuesday.  the sum of six and twenty, my left eye, and the olden Riddle zouji are now available for perusal.

01 Mittwoch.  successfully fended off a Ravana of the-Unjust-Heart. ( whew ! )
02 Thurday. 
"Night of Unending Fire", a fragment from The Book Of Dreams is here
The only other piece from this Book, Edge of Her Wound, has also been made available.
An English translation is in the works for pasanin, a poem in the Old Speech of the Tagalogs. 

03 Friday. 
I throw myself into work, writing, and writing until the words run dry. 
I cannot believe what in arrogance I have just done. 
The subconscious is believed to manifest itself most in our time of sleep. 
What dreams may come after such a Night of dissolution ? What do I remember from it? 
More to the point, a visibly enforced catharsis I've put here. In so doing, may I hope to forget. 

04 Saturday. 
How long have I been asleep - did I miss anything ? 
The yin aspect regains footing, and I continue upon the Path earlier chosen.
Meine letzte Korrespondenz mit dem Wiedzma, the Govern the Unaligned sermon, 
Harano, Embrace, Aion, Deluge, Restore, Closing, and Longing find their space in the ether of our dreams.

Streamlined the layout of the main page. 

05 Sonntag.
a LOT of good dreams ... (la hada descalza  knows)
No webwork, as I unplug and enjoy the sunshine... Sunshine? I slept the whole day, du (^: <What a vegetable ! > 

the second week ::
06 Montag. 
Spent the WHOLE day transcribing John Pitman Weber's nasal inflections, er.... interview. 
Sometimes it does feel like a nine-to-five.
Lunch was this mishmash Chinese pork deal.

i thought I knew it all, but the translator-bot babelfish has definitely put it in a different twist:
il n'y a rien autrement dans le monde que je voudrais faire

Try that on for size.

Getting ready for the 18 some hours 
to reach the um, excited-happy-jumpingUP&down-can-barely-concentrate buddha place =^D
You KNOW what i mean! (and that's still just three nights away)

Du: > you just went overly-color-happy over there (:

07 Tuesday.
The usual suspects. I am SO tired of Pitman ! 
The more I think about it, the more it seems that Tyler DID have a handle on things.
"Pitman guy talks a mile about what would fit in a thimble. A thimbleful of inert gas."

Never had a chance.
Snowball in hell and all that.
Like he said, I became aF@^ monk.

ShOuTz to Stacy, Kifah, Elle, Vic, Jennear, Kathy, Lee, Tom, 
Art, Seung, Dian and everybody who was in the sun today.
> you know  WHAT you were UP to ! ceeja tomorrow.
jaybabe tells me that The Bulls win one, hell yeah !

08 Mittwoch.
Thanks to Ryan Caduceus sends good news regarding the ongoing DCD vigil.
Below's an excerpt from an email posted on the Aion list. Click on the links to check out his awesome sites (:

"I posted it on www.dcdwithin.com.  Go to the information link.
We will post it on brendan-perry.com as soon as Brendan approves it."

The awesome !  weather's holding up. 
Snapped a few pix of the kids from Laney doing traditional Japanese spring time dances,
"The Little Prince" read in French?!? and Ash (hi!:) outside reading up on sensory adaptation.
Forget lunch - I wanna wrap up the Pitman thing right about... NOW ! If you're wondering witf Pitman is, check this out.
Whew ! 3 after five, and i am SOx375 done wiv transcription. spyBreak | now to get some of my own work goin on.

NEXT update will be next week ::
I'll be off to the East Coast, rencontrant mon ange, sharing the promised ring.
Bag's packed and my coat's on. Got cells, film, socks and (Eileen told me) a blanket to keep me warm. What's a good book to bring ?

09 |  Donnerstag | DAY ZERO.
Last night was amazing !  (:
early in the eve, huge thunderstorm clouds in the North crackled with lightning every few seconds.
Mercurial wind in your hair - flat, burnt ozone filling your lungs and streaks of light webbing across your eyes.

sa hatinggabi Ang muli nating pagkikita
Did my devotion, cashed a third of my Thousand, 
and the fivemonth fast is broken as Bart and I partake of Guinesa.
All through out the night the wind howled and whispered, shaking the very walls. 
It was a strange song to fall asleep to. My mind ran with effulgent dreams.

Seven o' clock the day starts. Which means that it's eight on the East Coast.
Were you able to find the key @ 4:12 ? Five hours later a luncheon with mariachis.

glicht D^= | tripod Server's trippin. i don't think the last updates went through... 00 March 09 @ 1304 Central US. 

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