the Book of 
the Game of You : the glistening pool

their bodies lay deep 
whilst cover of snow thickened
heads hung upon fallen shoulders, eyes with stares unseeing
crisp of hair singed by embers and lost to the wind
in hesitant recovery was there no stuttered mention of hope
the penitent stay in one stained grave, 
all nameless remained

following in a trance, 
evocative of the pulse of near-dark
not the cheer and song of the faithful, from shore depart
askew and thrown-about as raggedy dolls
Heaven’s sporadic feathering cleared all signifying marks 
nearest of whom was stripped of all grace
not side-by-side in peaceful sleep but an incendiary mask
did these fill their minute space with solemn, quiet intent
not spic-and-span nor the white skin of an early day 
curiously bent for devotion’s sake; there was no time left 
nearby in a shallow lake where to slip meant one certain issue
of bloating shiny shells and invisibility 
granted by the blue

all of which her soldiers thought it best 
to keep to themselves the awful news
for in her wastrel fury, even by half of each was
unconscious flirting and the essence of life consumed
the battle that’s been waged is neither won nor lost
by a single stroke of ancient fancies drawn 
from a masterful mind whose mistress 
was the moon

A last gasp fading 
whence even no darkness dares caress 
the rough-hewn stones, and each was locked into an never-ending sleep
Mention not her name, in light of truth bereft, and grant the others 
their hopes and dreams at least in a futile embrace to keep;
and mayhap in this false escape would they dilute 
their hidden shame

research notes : 

A riddle deeply-woven with rich, morbid symbolisms; 
this piece represents the third in a series of poems posing the imagery of a certain form-and-process of gradual disintegration.  
Hints as to what and how winter continually creates and re-creates through her accidental destruction the strength of character. 
Would the reader venture a guess:  what is being played here, in this particular game-of-you?  All answers are welcome.

99 jan 23
(c) copyright owned by Siddharta Somar

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