the Book of Dreams :
An Act Of Closing

only the weak are ever scared
what quivers brought forth by someone’s hand clad in cracked leather.  And the blood-red angry Primus hiding beneath, bidding the sky further into the mysterious night. Ominous visit of a waning, disoriented Luna.  Has not the distance stolen your breath?  When the hunt unsated not quite yet ours, the lack of comprehension unsettling: Veil seeped in untouched splendour you’ve made my eyes webbed.

and without hesitation fed me
surely stay for a while.  This much and a little more has made me flounder.  She has taken us back, but not home: far away 
and the grayness goes.  Comes around in a tiny smile, chimes in with the close.  The air stale and color of unfeeling stone, 
a grave long dismissed - its harbinger cold. Never have I felt so alone.

save me of some,
more and I shall be roused with the scent of your hidden meaning.  Nothing was guaranteed by that fleeting smile.  Is something amiss?  
She gives the Walker-in-Sleep a fey, flange of dreams that begs to differ.  Looking deeper into the darkness, too slovenly for the unborne gaze of one-more-hour; within the roiling mass of clouds.  They occupied my thoughts, forcing me to acknowledge a stray from the huddled crowd.  You smelled faint, of something thin and sweet

your hair of fire
deepened into black in the shadows, all of flowers.  
Quickened the blood that fell dangerously low by the Slight-of-Dreams.  
In a vision She appeared as you.  Where art thou - now that I can see !  
In mind’s eye opening up, you are the only feast.  Succulent to the point 
of unseen kiss. with your ruby lips I would crave repose, seemingly
a safe Embrace within this.

The Epilogue:

keep with me 
your eyes bright, and turn to the sky for needful insistence.  
Bring to whispers your fragile touch the next time you come.  
Paint your face I’ve yet  with a secret smile, to share with grace.  
Fulfill so near the Act of Closing our eyes 
and cleanse impure thoughts.  
Mayhap the Dream numbed us too much to feel.  
The promise holds I shall drink to the last with you; 
true until neglect of morning’s remorse.  
Frozen glare lost in the nest of unsure words, 
core of being too long unmoved, here: 
we who crave the rush of life and all that it holds; all at once.  
Stand at moment’s notice
and with impassioned breath 
to steal.

99 February 4
(c) copyright owned by Siddharta Somar

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