a moment there I totally forgot Tyler's whole "controlled demolition" thing
You are not your job.
Baseball is killing my TV
I wait and wait for the damned
playoffs to be done, and after that's an entire hour of slop that nobody
listens to anymore. Somebody's junker gets jacked, a slight touch of porcelain
weaving sugarcrumb lace. Somebody's crappy stereo goes on sale tomorrow,
enough cash for a full pipe. By then if I'm still awake I try to keep up
for the Irishman. But right at the cusp of when I feel that it's
coming on, like the northbound redline, I lose it. Slips outta my
grasp like those one-eyed fish at the Veldt. I fall into dreamtime:
I talk in my sleep and dream in code. And wake up in the morning, a metallic
taste in my mouth - feeling displaced, like I'm missing out on some important
holiday. Another day's got its headstart, rabid like an Aussie, leaving
me behind.
You are not your clothes. Real soon, I have to quit
It started Thursday. I didn’t wanna show my face. Gentleman junkie with this cracked fake smile and scraggly rodent whiskers. Thirty-five cents for a disposable. I stayed for overtime, pandering for a few more side projects, (the phone was a monster) hitting the keys without rhythm. Just this once I couldn’t blame the caffeine. Reassert the macho thing, stay away from the virtues of soap and shaving cream. It comes at you with surprising speed. Silent, deadly like heartburn oddly insistent in the morning. Been quite a while since I’ve had anything decent. I’ve been wearing the same things. Three days and still going at it. Hobo-gonna be all that you see. Cut me, I definitely bleed smoke. You are not the contents of your wallet. The voiceover was missing.
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. there is nothing on the screen. disregard
the nocturnal signals.
boil 12 ounces for the last packet
of brown powder. take it out of the room along with your cigarettes.
your mind is a sieve. language is
the filter you’ve chosen to aid memory.
footsteps in darkness are audible
past midnight. next door someone cries out in their dreams.
have no remorse at the least of your
worries. material objects possess no spirit.
Not everybody can churn out
a tune with just three strings.
Velocity shrill metal and
plastic carriage we descend unto the gray dimlit underbelly of the street.
Streets in the city have strange names. Were the natives restless with
impending angry god musing or merely bored with precaution? Your tag bare
on the side, encrusted subterranean fluorescent inadequate. Suppressing
even the most grateful smiles, winsome weekend cheer lurking, covered ears
piped-in tunes sweep away dreary mundane Tuesday. The rumbling sway distraction
of the next stop. Doors are closing the snooze button of conductor’s mantra.
I can glean your face from here.
Do I have it in me to continue? “Propaganda”, the man in
the corner spoke.
This body is assigned sanctity. The resolution of our lives hangs at stake. Consider with care the following: the basic unit of acceptance is an open hand. The first action performed with the mouth is a word that we’ve given meaning to. The motion is unobstructed. The tongue is a myriad collection of veins depending on the tautness or slack of muscle to produce sounds that may or may not provide meaning. Is this another riddle leading to the conclusion you’ve been unable to figure? Dissect the outer layers to get to the meat of the matter. This is the gist of language. These lessons were important in our youth. The question in all this confusion: Where am I coming from? Get ready for this one. Infatuation is infection. With rebellious flair we escaped the typhoon-ready chickenwire of another dreary midweek. Algorithms versus Catholic schoolgirl playing same game hooky. Easier than easy mac give away clues, take your pick of celebrity. Cove in question was a nook behind the Franciscan confessional. Monument to the conquerors proudly sitting on man-made hill with oval drive-through leading to a busy city intersection. Every afternoon for the past two weeks she puts a cigarette between my lips. Breathe through the stick, try not to think too much of it. The worst taste ever in my virgin mouth. “This isn’t working, is it?” plain as the wrinkled nose on my face signing away disgust. We try to think of something else while she puns with smoke rings, smaller into bigger disappearing. Child’s play for someone who learned how to when she was twelve. Trinket of chocolate warming in a pocket, grimy thumb peeling away layers like dead skin. In the old country Autumn makes trees shed their final tears. Faerie wonder these moondrops turn into kaleidoscope colors. Slight breeze whilst twilight approaches flutters cricket twigs, makes the prism sing. It’s an old man’s tale of a non-existent Winter in some parts I’ve not yet seen. Heads tingle, cheeks turn slight pink. She grabs my collar and breathes her elfin grin. “Here’s how we’ll do this”, she trips the popkin into my mouth. Better hurry, before the sweet runs down your chin. A joke in the making, we’ll try it again. This time she whispers, don’t lose it. The gun blue slithering into my nose and sugar on my teeth. A fountain, coolness. Thanks for the new trick, Kate. The bus is here, she turns and packs her things. Hurry up and finish this one. Peas in a pod I match her eyes’ twinkle in mine. That was some ten years ago. Please return your seats to their upright position. Familiarity breeds contempt. I’m restored from a moment’s headblind reverie. Porcine snort of wry humor from the man in the corner, the missing punchline. How many times has he begrudged me a smoke out here by the lanterns? Beady eyes of a sniveling criminal he nods ever so slightly. No question I reach for it. Filter held by the tips of grubby fingers. Chemical stains, gloves are too costly. My shirt says it all: hard work and little pay, sixteen hours a day. On the other hand Mister Black can afford to wear his dress shoes even while just slumming. Put your leg up on any damn chair you want to, huff and puff. I permit myself the luxury of taxing my lungs only so often. And I have to put up with crap like this? Never really learned my lesson, in the dry hacking cough of the odd 3 AM. Waking up with a start like a dead man jackknifing from gravedust. Motes cloud your eye. Throat gunked with ragged cotton. Mouth wide open no sound comes. You cross a point where knowing the bad serves no purpose except to nag. It’s all the same, choose your poison. The eyebrow affirmation, I reach out and sound grateful. Another favor I seemingly owe you, bon soir. Priority the temporary satiation of the demon she planted in me, and some peace of mind. For the nocturnal bony handshake Mister Black offers me. Cut off from sleep, shuddering from the capricious infestation. How many hours until the sun graces our gloomy parlor? Lookalike fireflies these lit sticks make. And the pile of ash I collect in the branches of my chest. I fell into a trap of my own making. My body tells me it may be time to finish. But the chocolate haunts, and the smoke soothes every so often. I have nothing to thank her for. I owe you nothing, mister. Inter-0ffice Memo: Last updated 13 July 2000
(c) copyrights owned by Paul
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