• this page is updated daily

15 Saturday. Biggest Cheers and Best Wishes to our Godmother Maren's Desdemona !

11AM: Bart in the morning for coffee and house-hounting. 5PM: Exacerbating a tenuous powderkeg combo of unreliability and no shortage of departure drama, the drunken sometime jedi does the banana peel routine we've all come to really strongly dislike (otherwise known as hate in some parts od the civilized world) and expect. Would that I have known how the eventuality. Running for Chicago with just a little bit of a minute to catch the train. Eskimo Rap music provides a background apropos - jumpy, a tad frazzled, and always juicy. Apple strudel bites for comfort. 8PM: Bran @ Keith's for a reunion in the West. Party long time in the coming. Er, but I don't drink anymore. Will this be a problem? (Sure enough there was enough booze to drown out an entire platoon). But SEVEN hours?! The half-bitterDialoge Winterfeld on scratch disk soon. 

16 Sunday. 
Glass slipper princess timing and hope-actuated wonder comes through at the earliest, saving grace and helping this weary vagabond recover his wits. An hour's blessing, and mayhap dreams were dreamed, but waking up to whimsical chimaera (er, Pokemon, that is) and boring-as-hell dental appointments does not a peaceful mind-set make. A record seventeen days and then a wu-jen is retired. I offer this one to the restoration of psyche expended in abject, useless endeavors and overland excursions.
That shall be the last I shall have of such drabness. The Ogrekin and Sluagh are not welcome company for one reluctant shinma Kuei-Jin (that would be me) headed for possible Bedlam. Mulder has bugs in his lungs! Rain and more rain in the evening ...Unplug (as usual) means a deluge in the incoming workweek. Grumble, slog, and sort through. Prinn Seli, my dearest heart comes to the rescue, despite objections delivered in the usual hair-pulling "tasty switch" objections throwing the entire household into late chaos. Why?! Why ! I keep focused on the important and shoo shoo any distractions. The Promised Ring renewed, and reality grounded. I am awake and alive once more. The trod picked up, and  Banality has not a chance. Nowhere and No More. 

17 Monday.
Ooops! Underslept. Bengal Khan and Chinese Water do not readily mix. You'd think that after several twice a month experiments we'd have learned something. No? Er, well, yes. Hi there. All systems back online. It's a Monday, old chap. What every half-decent eye-bagged, bad-hair-day office drone has come to expect. Severance from the mundane, as Prinn Seli of the Pooka beckons ole Sidley out to play on the wire. All day Fun ! Whew, mad craziness (reminiscent of Hunter S. Thompson) and then heavy pasta for lunch. Now onto biz. As closer to three o' clock but where's the sun to be found? The rehashed, slimmer, streamlined main page took some four hours, but by closing time it began to take shape and make sense. While it's still under construction, click here for a preview . The strangest thing as I was zeroing out on the toob, I see an ad for techies.com (no link here), a voice-over saying that one of their guys dreams in code. "And we knew then we had to hire him." Whu?! Possible suit? I copyrighted that expression dude. For me, it's more than just a by-line for your vacuous, insincere late night half minute spot. Oh boy, somebody's gonna get ScReWeD.

18 Tuesday.
PRAXIS Seizure: Very late night discussions lead into unwieldy politics and tiresome drama. An ear of corn denied. Fitful sleep. But at least I wake up in a better mood, and beef stew. The sun is out. Something tapped instinctively, and (after hald a year) the domestic boggans have returned my LaMoyne glasses. That fills the requisite
AM oddity. Caught up with Stae and Tom. LEGO discussions and action-figure battalions. Twelve ounces frog vanilla mixed with half capp makes for breakfast. Noon, and maybe a chance to work on more scan job back-logged orders. No go. You'd never figure that cleaning up your mail would take you more than an hour, but it sure can. The most inane things pop-up amidst tidbits of useful info that I've relegated to the back corners of my former toybox. The afternoon and the deceptive quiet. Word from the Trod a mixed bag of news. As she spoke:

"The desire for something becoming a quickening, 
something I can feel burning under my skin, 
but pulling at the same time, like a magnet; 
the scorch of magnetic desire."
The rest of the missive set me on fire.
I caught it swiftly, as a fox upon the trail of the hare, but our Pooka was fleeting. Time is kismet. Our Nights are as one. My response as befits the original, til eve arrives. 
After 6 hours, with webbed eyes and an impatient stomach grumble, I've swept through my to-do list like the dutiful robot that I am. Updated so many things net-side, and the list includes Xdrive, Chicago, Papua New Guinea, the Sprawl, my entire portfolio in Yahoo, and then a little bit of info-swapping. 7PM: I am SO ready to go home (:

19 Mittwoch. A Purely Dead Can Dance day ! (thanks to Ren - this 8pt Verdana bold is sure preeti :)
The rain has arrived, with it colorful jackets and umbrellas ("rain blossoms", in some parts of the Distant East). Breakfast sends me on a faint buzz, easily rectified by diving straight into my beloved code. Enter kia beti Javeed the third time's a charm, with a puckish game of tag and mocha over the wire. Do the fae relish Heaven's tears
in the Opening of the year? Since I've been given the keys for the day, I think I'll settle in and put the Minstrel and the Angel on for optimum efficiency performance. 
Playlist:  A Passage in Time, Into The Labyrinth, Aion, Spleen and Ideal, Within the Realm..., and Spiritchaser. My fourteen point, as it were:

When's lunch?! It's gonna be a busy day, absolutely smashing fun in the office (smirk). Gentlemen, start your engines ! A renewal of spirit as the latest batch of newbiez flood Aion with sighs of adoration offered up to Lisa. Paul Rother was real kew to share this link to an 98 radio interview, featuring Lisa and Pieter. Check it out here. The afternoon sees me spotted from the few moments that I took to see how big the rain puddles were getting. Four (two?) hours to go til quitting time and Heaven shows no sign of quitting. I (heart) it ! Spent an hour trading toonecdotes with pani Winter (click here) and info-swapping with Mister :G. Got on board Team Legend as an external scanner and signed-up for (slothybastard) Freedisk. The quest for the perfect online storage continues !Paid Tony DT a visit and saw the Milan pictures (awesome:) If you've never seen a flit-car before, I suggest you skip over to his site to check that out. The prize catch? There's this one pic of an Asian ('preZent!) kid with specs and a blanked-out look, with the funniest caption. Whatahoot. Munch turns out to be a balsamic chicken plus these hot-as-hell taters. Mm-hm, Midwest cuisine as only 100% corn-fed purebred MW'ers can. Calling up your friendly neighborhood one-hour photo developers turns out with some difficulty, as some people have NO sense of urgency, nor professionalism whatsof^cking-ever (breathe*breathe). But that's one out of the list that at least I've started on. I can't believe how lazy this day's become. Three PM and nothing's been done. Well, emails've been sent and received... that's good. But troubling news from the East. Some fast-tracking on blahblah matters at work, and then a quick call ("oh mytalk, how we love thee") to soothe Prinn Seli. Subscription to the Changeling list through Oracle a success, with the first post from Amber reviewing "Denizens". 
An excerpt follows: "In this book things in the game world change, and a new and powerful force is unleashed by the Year Of The Reckoning events upon mortals and kithain alike. (What, you say?  Changeling things that might actuall influence the WoD?  Well of course, the book answers, after all it is our dreams and nightmares that determine where our waking minds turn...) This force (sic) is the Denizens, the Dark kin who have been trapped in the Dreaming for ages by the magics of the Tuatha. Now the old wards are falling, and the Denizens are returning." Ooh, some pretty heavy stuff to charge up there. Those faeries, tsk tsk <wink> Sounds epic to me. Speaking of amazing timing, my aural angel Buck Magnum (aka Marzie Biofresh) calls in and gives the gift of Sonique. OMGdu, lemme tellem you - this is the most kick-ass thing yet! First step: Slide to the Soniq homeport and download the 151 version. Follow through with the usual install procedure and see for your self how SWEET it could be. Next up, the gnomes at customize.org have a few tricks up their sleeves. Especially the ET OS skins by Kid Chad, spozedly based on alien lifeforms. Lifeforms?! Papua New Guinea, Future Sound of London! ( see the connection) Woohoo! Those 6degree guys sure were up to something. What other kew stuff's goin down @ Sid Central? Make sure to watch this space, du. 

20 Thursday.
From yesterday: sidestep Hsien affix to Jong hsien | scan-job very hi-rez SV for Markz | pick-up 2 pic packets @ Tarj | e|m dian:G for reflex pix | /omus
Today I set aside everything so's the scans can come through. (about time ! ) Author's note :: Next update 24 Monday. Slimlined notes >

21 Friday.
A fourteen-hour day. Zeromega account re-opened on Tripod and received the scratch disk: Black Tape pages: sphinx, ghosts, relic and appended with part and parcel.
The old poetry renewed. Revived the old soul. Conversations and correspondence with My Beloved. She runs in the rain. The sun shows itself for once, peeking in the afternoon. Long into the evening. Hungry and weary. Hastily avoided was Delirium. ((( More soon, as the mind finds refreshment. )))