
( this page is updated daily )
Out comes the Sun
 =^) and takes me by surprise

( the short of it : in place of the wire, find something on the big screen )
01 Saturday. 
Return to Me proves that Duchovny CAN do something other than Mulder. "Weeeeird", she says. Past midnight conversations bring color. 
02 Sunday. 
Attacked at the dentist. Now I know why American Beauty deserved that many Oscars . "I need to remember". Golden sun and clear blue sky. Really Beautiful outside.
RE_PLUG  |  me  |  am I happy

03 Monday.
  She With Eyes of Green claims precedence.
"Coming home was soft grey and misty with the inclement thunderstorms. 
The white stars of pear blossoms blended with the mist all the way down the street. 
And the weeping cherries dropped palest rose-colored petals into my hair. I miss you. 
I wish you were here to stand with me under a flowering tree and talk, or not talk, about this movie. And just be."

My heart flutters.

Updates on reading, orbital, despedida, 2Kpix, sourire pages. Lost my sense of taste. Damnable chemicals. Pictures Of Seli are now @ 98.4MB+ (:
Onion overload shish kebab right beside Russian sushi bar, whew! Crazy pseudo-philo arguments about kulchah and the caste system. Dot-com premises, 
gay animal porn(?), sticks of butter and other slurs. Sofia Vergara for Velocity. Pretty decent bottomless decaf killer and their awful taste in music @ Earwax. 

04 Tuesday. 
Back to scanning and the off-chance update. Maybe lunch whenever, if I'm lucky... Where'd the beeyootifu Spring weather go? The last updates for March's water page.

05 Mittwoch.
The witching hour conveys this Moon's first devotion. In the next four hours: Awesome epic dreams of exploring ancient civilizations with Seli. Skies look promising, and some pretty good caffeine to go with. All the signs of a great day in the making (: March's last pictures arrive. Urgent 600rez scans and I'm almost done. Soonest possible
these will be available in my Y!bc/album here. A handful of updates on write, anaya, voce, 19hours, verg pages. And the day's not even nearly half done. Added the maki to Reach for the Sun. Twilight blessed by Prinn Seli making a welcome visit, breathing new life in the busy offices of the gnomes and chimera of the wire. I always said that Mitty's my favorite day of the week - and this is exactly just how it's turned out to be (:  ( By all means, tomorrow the missive shall be ready. )

06 Thursday.
Michael Mann's The Insider turns out to be wtf*, sure, good cinematography's always good - but one needs solid writing if you're planning a 3 hour movie. The winding down took an extra hour. Two in the AM I'm still scribbling notes and this morning's neu code. Overslept. Sun's bright, feels good to finally be out in the world. AWEzum hair goin on, with TWO queues criss-crossing in the back (vanity-check!) and my gray Quiksilver tee total anime*du. Stae's here ! Kif and sis drop by, admiring Kemp's "Tailor". We know who had something to do with that <smirk> Caught up with Tom, who also saw TI last night, and movie/theory discussions. Lunch was a Brit affair with fish+chips (and tartar sauce?!?). Shouts to Muir for the hookUP(: Word from NY and today's spec's Gramm's for messy painting. Wish I could jump in with you, Sel<3
Updates on the trio of write|reading|voce pages plus added cathari to Unopened.

07 Friday.
Pages updated: write, reach, reading, nissen (formerly geheim), solemnity, few, sleeve, maki, voce, fribd. Everything by noon, everything. 
The rain's gotten a lot stronger, colder. Everything is gray outside. In here it is Quiet. Slowly bearing returns, things make a a little more sense. 

  • "buffalo in a china shop", similar casualties - and this reluctant writer crashes headlong into Bedlam . uH+oh...!

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onehappylittleelf toldmetoday: look@allthiscolor :^) Thanks to the gnomes @ nocturnis for the pretty butterfly pic I borrowed from 'em (: