Pogawedka z wiedzma | zwei


Whence do dreams come - and how often are these fulfilled? 
For the undertaking of Mnemosyne after awakening 
from shallow beach, and a thirst raging in one’s fragile Beast:

Le Antas I was granted in a Dream.
Through several revisions, scratching out incompletion 
and striving against the perennial ennui. 
One big secret; and now it has been laid out for you to see.

You’ve struck an uncertainty - for before amidst the Autumn Folk
(they were incapacitated, grim, unfeeling) they called These weak:
you and yours were within Truth. 
And have seen thus how I have wanted all this to be. 

Hope, (frail wing that she is) prevails that you would find pleasure in the missive. 
I am here if any queries arise from my twisted syntax, this mangled speech. 
Alas, there are several demands upon my time that needs must be met. 
Awaiting the fleeting glance from your Grace,
this febrile degenerate: a servant he remains

Truly Yours,
der Sperre Francis 

 97 July  23
 (c) copyright owned by Siddharta Somar 
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