un sourire trouve rarement mon visage
ein Lächeln findet selten mein Gesicht
a smile rarely 
 finds my 
but when it does it wants to stay

here are a few pictures capturing that elusive moment :
( click on a pic for the larger version )

well yeah, i WAS making a face, 
but these two kids more than made up for it (:

i stopped by the ceramics studio 
to say hi to my good friend monika's mom

my korean posse @ an ethiopian dinner

can't say that 
this wasn't entirely berg's idea

my so called life @ greg lane

brun's this cowboy friend of mine 
who shows up with gifts of clove cigarettes,
war-stories, and bad rednaik jokes. 
when he feels like it, he does some dabbling in ceramics.

28.02 @ 14.23 :: BIGpic pages have already been uploaded >
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