that Bloggin has :just: suddenly
shot through the roof, but I've been doing it here all this time.
Isn't it the hip new
thing that all the kids are onto? Naw du, you just found out about
it. Blogging as the :new: phenomenon on the net
has been written about,
discussed and analyzed, but that's all right. Despite what anyone says,
I've found it to be both kew and useful.
I started writing
webpages in '96 and five years later I get an email from someone thanking
me for having a nicely-designed blog page.
Sorry, blog? Yup.
I find out that what I've been doing's been given a new name. And it used
to be just writing in your journal. Quietly.
This page was last
updated 04 10 01. Next scheduled update's 04 15 01. Check back then
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