
A great chasm separates us
and in loneliness have you
not understood
how I stand 
all alone

unable to fully comprehend how
death has stolen unto this cell
No longer cold but unfeeling

How may redemption
be gained?
Forthwith all the suffering
I’ve endured  until this point
has become an ague
that belongs
a breast broken 
for none care
The longer I stay
the fever reclaims
then there is 
nowhere to go

Not because I’ve forsaken the bleak
future dreams are tainted with evil
The endless scream dragging me along
for what seems like the strangest stare

Calmly the fears strike 
and I am drowning
Misery inopportune
has clung tight
and dug deep
- it remains to be seen

We are all without hope
if you won’t come soon
The darkest heart crawls
enmired in the piteous drama
it has nowhere to belong

97 Dec 11 (c) copyright owned by Siddharta Somar 
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