the Book Unopened: rite of passage

If ever I forced myself on you, now dearly those actions are regretted as unnecessary.
For you were Kindred, as far as it Seemed.   There was no need to fear what unknown lay beyond our experience or comprehension. We were frail and yet not fully formed. Seeking the penultimate but unwilling to puchase this with our tattered shreds of elegiac innocence.  
It was our irrevocable, enervate trauma, our initial brush with a cynosure far more potent than any other previous, canescent encounters.
A destined path:
it was our early death.
Roaming the verdant belt swathed recuperating, reminded of cheerfulness that had escaped us in a dystopic fit of stark realism.   
Morose, somnolent in its own pool of blood: we could not capture the bravura of what sprawled outside the unbreachable gates. Irretrievable since it was denied to us by our captors.  Shying away from the harsh light of inquisition and fascinare’ misplaced, 
fearfully we drew away from their unwavering glare.  What held us back from cursing the day we recall being Borne.  
This kept us yet a trifling distance from the onslaught of Fate.  This unrequited love maintained the warmth and comfort soon to 
be dissolved, consumed by undeserved hate. Calm now the seas of Despair, a gentle unassuming creature you have beckoned nearer.   
The light you bore enough to blind me into unflinching subservience.  

You I made my only eidolon

in a sphere of former influence disintegrated I remained untaught of the fiendish Legion. Reaching for the tower I found you ensconced and unfeeling.  That Luna lay undisturbed in her chamber  was of no consequence, insensate - a cowl of dread approach had settled ... Sought I to sacrifice her to you ! Despair and unnatural longing to appease the savage transfusions of my poor heart - it would not  be silent. 
These tortured wails meant even less to the prisoner in slumber.  Pray tell, maiden: what does this all portend?  
I  scrambled to clear the field and into the opaque curtain of afternoon rain to stumble upon you.
Only your smile remains,
and not even this accomplishes much 
when we realize that never once 
during the portrayal
did we open our eyes.

97 mar 6
(c) copyright owned by Siddharta Somar
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