
20 Monday !
means a LOTTA work .
( BTW, like I hadn't really noticed... )  Gray skies, slight fog, drizzle in your face. Among other things, 20 pages of text.  Welcome back to the desert of the real.
Added Geheimnissen, and aquamarine. A Letter and a Dream in their respective Books. And more below.

Jenfur and the juice bottle ! Bart ( does the ninja-from-the-bush thing ), with Justyna stops by for a visit. Jumping like crazy monkeys 
AND the kew walk  - you're on video, du. Everybody has now seen The Pictures. Four o' clock knows your name. Closer to full circle showing. 
Finally got to talk to Maren (: Laundry ? I remember what it was like. Ever so faintly.

Added the Write page, (which indexes the written work on Zero Sum), a few more links on the Verg
and Oz Mina's oh-so rockstar email - that one is available here.
"Gandhi would kick their @^ (:  He's a cool guy."

WoD Report: Yeah, what does my kid sis know? What AM I doing watching World Events ? 
Peter Jennings reports on the crazy Indo-Pak conflict that everybody's losing sleep over.  Just what exactly is the big deal: Find out for yourself, click here.

21 Tuesday.  Our Covenant.

22 Mittwoch.
Saw Titus on Monday and GDB ( French ! woohoo ! ) last night. Why aren't any of these new shows funny? Woke up during the witching hour 
from dreams that suggested a touch of The Adversary. They would not end. Got up and wrote down a few things. At least the weather's on our side. Spent two hours with Elle and the Greeks doing absolutely nothing. Dealt with the surly spam business. 


I lose track of things. The SHORT of it: various REAL world duties keep me away from the very things I enjoy doing. The following I note from memory.

23 Thursday.
Good hair day. Opened for Gal. Dange Russ I haven't seen in a long time stops by and with Moe we take pictures. Suddenly SO Tired. Can barely remember what went down.
24 Friday.
Scheduled e-greets to span throughout the weekend. I had to earn my pay t'day. Joe Pitt, Berg Artwalk, mila-wall, Lunch with Art. 3 hour ketchup-chat. Interspersed with a good number of 300rez scans - and the Bard Seli picpack is DONE and ready for shipping ! Skibbled for more space as my 2Gig disc kept brimming. Third Rock. Passed out reading the 20+ page transcript.


is nO different

25 Saturday.
Post office shanghai, serverSLOTH down for 2 hours, finally @fter lunch, WE ARE BACK ! chittychat wi Maren, and Seli <3 Later, got some work done. Showed Seli Jong's Hsien. (to be uploaded on this site SOON :) Home again. SNL was the Aniston/Sting re-run, Reach for the Sun until midnight (:
26 Sunday.
UNPLUG. And ran hardcopy PURGE. Recovered all correspondence with Seli. Then the toob : a little bit of Oscar. ( incoming ramble !  )
Only dug in after finding out that the XF were both reruns. The Honorary went to prolific EuroCinema Andrzej Wajda. ( The scene snippets from his work really touched me ). So I was going through the paper my kid sis being really pooka snagged from the neighbors downstairs. Found more info and hype about the Awards. The Matrix won both sFX and vFX !!! Next up was the movie music medley Burt Bacharach presided over. Were those songs he wrote? A really kew ad debuted motorola's uber-cute platinum blonde cyber-chick MYA. ...Art direction is ? The detail-specific touch: 
set, costumes, everything. Several winding, old-man speeches bored me. Brad Pitt presented the cinematography Oskie. 

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