120 hours forward

i'm back home ! 
She                   how to             th
      taught  me              B       a 
                                        r  e 

10-14 Marso.
My weeklong NY vacation did me a LOT of good (^= Got some 50 + pics to scan, new code to write, installations to fix, email 
to clear and people to catch up to. 'S been a really wonderful thing. Expect the next updates @round later today. Great big Hey 
to Mike, Thad, Kate, Chrissy and the Dance/Theaterkids back @ Bard ( a place to think ! ), mama Irene of Rhinebeck Taxi, 
warmest Hugs to Maren who I ( owe a biggie, and ) look forward to meeting next, and most especially to my baby Sarrah
the sweetest and smartest nying-je in the whole wide world. Who luvs ya ! =^)

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